
Patient Navigation Services

Patient Navigation Services help patients find their way through the complex healthcare system by giving them personalized support and direction. These services can help patients get the care they need, make them happier, and improve their overall health.

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Maximizing Patient Engagement with Third-Party Partnerships: A 1-2-3 Model Approach

May 1, 2023

"The implementation of colorectal cancer screening interventions in low-and middle-income countries: a scoping review"

This research was conducted by D. S. K. Watson, K. Robb, N. M. Ali, and J. Wardle. It was published in the journal BMC Cancer. The paper reviewed the implementation of colorectal cancer screening interventions in low-and middle-income countries, focusing on the challenges and opportunities in these settings.

"Patient navigation for complex care patients in the emergency department: a survey of oncology patient navigators"

This research was conducted by Jason J. Bischof, Jean B. Sellers, Andrew W. Phillips, James J. Petrongelli, Amy E. Stuckey, and Timothy F. Platts-Mills. It was published in the journal Supportive Care in Cancer. The paper conducted a survey of oncology patient navigators to understand the potential for emergency department-based patient navigation services. The study identified care priorities and barriers to be overcome during the development of an emergency department-based lay navigation program.

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