
3C Model for Chronic Disease Management

The 3C Model for Chronic Disease Management is a patient-centered framework that emphasizes three critical components for effective management of chronic illnesses: (1) Coordination, which involves the seamless integration of care across different healthcare providers and settings; (2) Collaboration, which fosters teamwork and communication among multidisciplinary care teams, patients, and caregivers; and (3) Continuity of Care, which ensures the consistent delivery of high-quality healthcare services over time. Implementing the 3C Model can help healthcare organizations improve patient outcomes, lower healthcare costs, and improve the overall quality of care for people with chronic conditions.

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"A systematic literature review of reported challenges in health care delivery to migrants and refugees in high-income countries - the 3C model"

This research was conducted by Julia Brandenberger, Thorkild Tylleskär, Katrin Sontag, Bernadette Peterhans, and Nicole Ritz. It was published in the BMC Public Health journal in 2019. The study provides a comprehensive, patient-centered model summarizing the main challenges in health care delivery to migrants and refugees in high-income countries. The authors identified three main topics of challenges: communication, continuity of care, and confidence. The study emphasizes the importance of these three aspects in providing effective health care to migrants and refugees.

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